Code | Text | Description |
200 | OK | Success! |
201 | Created | Resource created successfully. |
401 | Access denied | The API Key parameter is missing or is incorrectly entered. |
404 | Not Found | The requested resource does not exist. |
406 | Not Acceptable | The :document-id provided is in an invalid state. |
422 | Unprocessable Entity | Some parameters were incorrect. |
Possible errors for HTTP Status Code 422:
Invoices, Estimates and Guides
Send by Email
- No content type or wrongly specified
- Email: is an invalid email
- Cc: is an invalid email
- Bcc: is an invalid email
Create or Update
- Items element should be of type array
- Country Germani was not found
- Retention must be a number between 0 and 99.99
- Invoice items is invalid
- Client is invalid
- Due date must be later than date
- Email must be an email address
- Discount is not a number
- Quantity must be a number greater than 0
- Unit price must be a number
- Unit kg is not included in the list of accepted units
- Option to generate MB reference is set but no payment provider is configurated
- Invoice has been settled so can’t be changed anymore
Change State
- Invalid state
- Cancel message can’t be blank
- Name has already been taken
- Client contact is invalid
- Send options is not a number
- Send options must be within 1 and 3
- Preferred contact: email must be an email
- Country Germani was not found
- Postal Code must have the following format DDDD-DDD
- Email is invalid
- Vat Number can’t be changed
- Vat Number is already used in another account
- Terms and Conditions must be accepted
- Name has already been taken
- Unit price can’t be blank
- Unit price is not a number
- Unit kg is not included in the list of accepted units
- Name has already been taken
- Value can’t be blank
- Value must be a number between 0 and 99.99
- Tax region is empty
- Tax region is not valid
- Serie has already been taken
- The sequence name is invalid
- That option is not available during the trial period, it becomes so only after the first payment.
- There aren’t any documents to export on the selected period.
- Warning! There is required information missing from Company information. Before you export the SAF-T PT, please go to Company information and fill out the missing fields.
- You need to send the month in the request body.